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  • Writer's pictureiloveappetizer

Teach and Reflect

Having the chance to teach made me realize three things about teaching. The first one - “Teaching is more of passion than a profession” if you perceive teaching as only a profession, you might find it hard to cope up the reality in the teaching arena while if you perceive teaching as a passion you will also experience hardships but at the end seeing your students learn will all be worth it.

Second, “Teaching requires patience” that even if some of your students are not paying attention, and just chatting with their seatmates, or just playing with their phones you must remain calm and address them properly. Teaching requires patience as you are working on with the lesson plan and the instructional materials you will be using in the instruction.

Lastly, “You must teach by heart” – it’s because teaching by heart carries all the aspect. If you have the heart for teaching then you will be patient enough of all the hardships that you are going to face. If you teach by heart you will be passionate enough to deliver your lesson genuinely and you could inspire and motivate your students.

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